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Your business demands constant connectivity. Our network is geared to do exactly that. All the major Telco’s in the country are connected to as we are carrier neutral. We delivers bandwidth at unmatched speed and high capacity, as we are directly connected to the NIXI nodes in India. This eliminates bandwidth blockages and assures instantaneous response and seamless connectivity to your applications and hosted servers.

Our state of the art datacenter has redundant meet me rooms. We have designed a downtime free network by implementing dual active paths within the datacenter for connectivity.

Managed Load Balancing Services
Data Center offers load balancing services consisting of distributing user activity effectively across a computer network so that no single server will be overloaded.
Complete management by an expert: We set up, configure, monitor and maintain load balancer for you. In case of an issue, you can be rest assured that our support team is working to resolve the issue and making sure you are kept informed.
Redundancy and Performance: Our server load balancing services allows you to perfectly balance your need for redundancy and performance because even in case of a server failure, your operations continue smoothly as the traffic is directed to the other server.
Scalability: Our Load balancing services leads to an efficient management of your mission critical servers even in case of traffic spikes.
Bandwidth Provisioning Services
We use multiple service providers to keep your business online in any eventuality. The key features and offering of our bandwidth services are as follows:
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Hosting Solutions
Domain Registration
Linux Web Hosting
Windows Web Hosting
Java Web Hosting
Business E-Mails
Web Hosting Plans
VPS Hosting
Co-Location Servers
Dedicated Servers
Contact Us
Terms of Service
Privacy Policy
Designing Solutions
Websites Designing
Logo Designing
Webiste Re-Design
Flash Presentations
Search Engine Registrations
Web Training
Development Solutions
PHP/ASP.Net Applications
e-Commerce Solutions
Intranet Business Applications
Content Management System
News Letter Management
Portal Websites Development
Online Marketing
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